My Agency

Welcome to IMAGIC dating site

You never know where, when and how you can meet up a person whom they call a “second half”.

IMAGIC gives you a brilliant opportunity to meet people from different countries. We help you to broaden the horizons and maximize the chance to succeed in meeting the one and the only.

It only takes one meeting…

IMAGIC organizes exclusive meetings, wonderful theme parties, unforgettable dates that help people to feel free and comfortable and open up to new relationships.

Got tired from fake profiles ?

IMAGIC has different tools at its disposal to protect you against fake profiles.

We are determined to help you to find your best match, someone with same dreams, values, interests.

Our goal is to make you happy, to satisfy your wishes. And we are proud to say that many people trust IMAGIC and let us accompany in their search.

Contact iMagic

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Supplied data 100% secure

Once registered,
The photos and information provided to us will be anonymous.
Depending on your wishes, you benefit from interviews with your advisor in order to establish interim reviews and to advance your research efforts.
We will help you start communication to arrange meetings and we will listen to your requests.